Welcome to Keeping Up With Tay!

Happy Sunday! So as I stated in my About Me, I will slowly open up to you about my crazy life. You need to know the most important part of my life, is my dog Malcolm. It’s funny, he naps more than I sleep at night, his personality is a mix of silly and crazy. But on the other hand he is the best dog ever, he is loving, loyal, and downright awesome. During his Sunday afternoon nap, he lays on his back with his paws in the air….and the best part is HE SNORES, lol. Whenever I am getting ready to go on a trip for work or leisure he knows it, and sometimes he even jumps into my suitcase! Apparently he thinks if he gets in the suitcase I am going to cancel my trip and just not go (sorry buddy life isn’t that easy for us humans.) You know what the experts say, how dogs are amazing for anxiety, stress, and companionship. Malcolm is all three of those, if you don’t have some sort of animal to keep you company/entertained, I highly recommend getting yourself a buddy (if you can of course.)

P.S. As I’m writing this, Malcolm is sleeping once again, oh, and on the end of the couch about to fall off.

Well I am so happy I was able to share a little bit about my doggo!

Tata for now! XOXO


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