Anxiety… A Piece Of Advice.
Happy Friday Friends & Family!
The amount of positive feedback I got from my emotional abuse writing, meant so much to me. I have struggled my entire life with anxiety, the fact that I feel comfortable enough to be open up and write to you all speaks volumes. Today, you’ll be reading about what works for me, what works for those around me, and a story from one of my brave subscribers.
Once again, I am NOT a licensed therapist yet. I will be soon, for now I will have to share my personal experiences and my knowledge. This is a positive calming blog and if you are struggling currently with anxiety or have before, I hope this helps.
Have you ever felt embarrassed to admit that you have an anxiety disorder? I have. My best friends have. My coworkers have. Fellow flight attendants have. My dog Malcolm even has anxiety. It is so normal. Honestly, if you haven’t ever experienced anxiety that is extremely impressive… in fact can you tell me what you do?
Anxiety hurts. Lets define it. From our best friend google, anxiety consists of; a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.
Ring a bell? Ding, ding, ding for me. I’ve changed the way I look at anxiety overall. I figured out what works for me, what doesn’t work for me, who to be around, who not to be around, my daily routine and much much more.
What do I do to calm my anxiety?
Exercise. Meditate. Reading. Painting. My Dog. Traveling. Journaling. Staying Organized. Routine. Health. Dieting. Family. & Friends.
This is what tends to ease my mind when I can’t think of anything else but the fact that my mind won’t stop racing.
I have a story for you from one of my subscribers that came to me asking for advice.
“I felt like I was having a heart attack,” she explained to me. She started the story off by telling me that she was heavy in the gym, every morning, 6 days a week. She spent most of her time lifting weights, this one Monday morning was different for her. She was bench pressing just like normal, in the middle of her set she felt a sharp sharp pain on the left side of her chest. Her watch was reading 170 bpm, her heart rate was high, normal for working out, but it was an uncomfortable high for her. “It felt different,” she said. She gave it a minute, waited for the pain to go away and continued her workout. A few reps later she felt the same pain but worse this time. She decided it was maybe best if she called it quits and went home. She didn’t even make it out of the gym before she passed out, gym calls 911, she wakes up in the hospital. The doctor diagnosed her with severe anxiety.
You can have severe anxiety without even knowing it. Anxiety is like a stressor, most of us have stress, but don’t realize it till we can’t eat, are losing weight, or have massive headaches. Most of us with depression diagnosed or not, will have anxiety. Why? Because most of daily life consists of you worrying about your depression.
I am so thankful she reached out to me and shared this. I responded to her and told her the strength she had was inspiring as well as asked her what she changed in her life. You know what she said? She changed herself. She removed bad toxic friends/family out of her life, and started doing hobbies or activities that brought her calmness.
***Just a reminder, for those that share stories with me, names will never be used, your privacy will always be respected.
Now, the one thing I want you to remember from all of this is YOU pick YOUR surroundings. I will tell you the amount of cases I have seen where anxiety is caused from a relationship, family matters, or toxic energy that YOU decided to surround yourself with. Remove yourself, I can’t stress it enough. If you decide to take advice from me I suggest waking up everyday and either meditate, exercise, have a coffee, do what calms your mind. Remove all of the things in your life that you feel contributes to your anxiety. I know its hard, but I will tell you, it will make a major change in your mental health. I journal everyday, if I work nights I’ll journal before I go to bed when I get off in the mornings. I ask myself tough life questions, it stimulates my mind to wonder what I need to conquer next in life.
Below are pictures of what eases me and gets me through my days!
P.S. How cute is my puppy?!
Please email me or message me on Instagram, and tell me your stories. Other than that, talk next week. Tata for now! XOXO Tay